Opening hours during holidays
Jõulupühade ja aastavahetusega on meie kontor avatud:
- 18.12.2023 – 21.12.2023 office open as usual
- 22.12.2023 – 07.01.2024 office closed
- 08.01.2024 – office open as usual
In addition to motorhomes and caravans, it is possible to buy accessories offered by Movera from our office store or order and install various Truma and Teleco products to your motorhome.
Need help? No problem, we'll help.
Call +372 5 100 717 or write info[at]
Installation and repair of Teleco satellite systems and technical assistance for other satellite systems
Heating, air conditioning and gas systems
Movera's product range includes everyday accessories (dishes, glasses, pots / pans, etc.), awnings, gas and water systems, camping equipment and multimedia solutions
Silwy's product range includes magnetic crystal and plastic glasses, cups and various accessories.
Jõulupühade ja aastavahetusega on meie kontor avatud:
9.-11. september ootame kõiki matkaautode ja haagissuvilate huvilisi aasta suurimal autonäitusel Tartus – Motoshow´l.
Leiad meid C-hallist.
Rohkem infot ürituse kohta:
Finally, Silwy has found a solution so that the glasses or cups do not fall down while driving. The crystal and plastic glasses, cups and various accessories offered in the Silwy product range are equipped with special magnets.
Silwy products are not only a simply attractive eye-catcher, they are also stable at high speeds, strong curves, waves or sloping positions.
Silwy products are used in sailboats, motorhomes, airplanes, homes, etc.
LMC has added a camper van series to its product range.
Tutvustame teile uhkusega esimest firma LMC Camper Van seeriat – INNOVAN. Uuel LMC Innovan seerial on 3 erinevat mudelit, hästi läbimõeldud detailid ning nutikad lahendused koos kaasaegsete interjöörivärvide ja harmooniliste kontuuridega välisküljel.
You can find more information here.